Business Cash Advance

The funding you need, when you need it,
paid back when your customers pay you.

business cash advance – how it works

Who is it for?

For businesses who:

Take £2.5k+ per month in card takings

Need a cash injection but want flexible repayments

Have been trading over 4 months

how repayment works

great reasons to fund:

Get a fair price based on the profile of your business

Plan ahead with confidence knowing the payments take care of themselves

Get back to running your business, with funds in your account quickly

You’re likely to hear a “yes”! We have higher approval rates than the banks

Integrated Payments - connecting your till to your terminal

Integrated payments - connecting your EPOS till to your card terminal - enables your business to process payments faster and increase your profits.

There are many benefits to an integrated solution for almost all business types, most importantly, the removal of human error, giving you accurate reporting from all tills and terminals.

At Swipen, we offer Integrated Payments free of charge and you can use our Pay at Table or Pay at Counter software, or both if it suits your business:

Pay at Table

A software design with restaurants in mind:

Split the bill at the table

Automatic table closing

Integrated gratuity & reporting

Turn tables faster

More efficient payment

Pay at Counter

Suitable for most businesses, offering:

Faster payments

Shorter queues

Better conversion

Greater profits

COVID secure

Discover which terminal type is best for your business









Retail & Shops

Take your payments to the next level

E-Commerce Payment Solutions

With the arrival of Covid-19 into all our lives, online only payments are looking to have a bright future that’s here to stay.

At Swipen, we want to bust the myth that taking payments online is complicated, and help you
adapt to this changing world.

We offer two types of E-Commerce payment solution either directly integrated with your website or a hosted payment page.

Directly Integrated

Integrated into your own website

Completely customisable

Branded to your business

Customers stay on your website

150 currencies supported

Shopping carts

No long-term contract

Alternative payment methods, including: Alipay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChatPay

Hosted Payment Page

Easy to set up

Take payments in minutes

Swipen branded

Data processed by Swipen

150 currencies supported

Shopping carts

No long-term contract

Alternative payment methods, including: Alipay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChatPay

Take your payments to the next level

Virtual Terminal - Taking Payments over the Phone

Many businesses find it useful to take payments over the phone, whether you’re a travel agent
needing to take deposits, a mobile tradesperson, travelling salesperson, you have a call centre, or you don’t have a website to take payments online.

Swipen’s Virtual Terminal allows you to take card payments over the phone quickly and securely.

Our solution is a web portal that can be used on a desktop, tablet or mobile device.

Virtual Terminal Key Features

More secure than a card terminal - Completing the payment over the phone with full customer details reduces the risk of chargebacks or fraud.

Pay By Link - Send a payment link to complete the purchase or pay a balance. This is also a useful feature for customers who prefer to not give their details over the phone.

Capture Customer Details - The Virtual Terminal allows you to capture all the customer details you will need for your CRM or Booking Systems reducing the need for double inputting.

Control Permissions - Restrict user access to only certain functionality so you can control what your staff can process and see.

Take Payments anywhere - The Virtual Terminal is compatible to all devices and allows you to take payments from anywhere - office, home or on the move in a safe and secure way.

Ideal for call centres, travel agents, travelling salespeople, mobile tradespeople, restaurants for pre-bookings and parties, hotels for rooms and events, or any business that doesn’t have a website that customers can pay through.

Take your payments to the next level

Web & App Solutions - Order and Pay-at-Table Platform

With COVID regulations in force across the country, restaurants and pubs are adjusting the way they work to reduce the spread of this virus.

Swipen are also adapting to these changing times, and working with our expert partners, we can now offer order and pay-at-table platforms, allowing you to benefit from cashless and cardless payment options.

Our solutions can be either Web or App based and we provide the choice between
a ‘Simple Solution’ and a ‘Bespoke Solution’, depending on the size of your business

Bespoke Solution

The best option for individual pubs and restaurants, small chains, or if location offers a different menu:

Use your own branding

At table QR code or WiFi login

Bespoke rates and fees

Links to your EPOS till *

*Depending on the EPOS company

Simple Solution

Ideal for larger chains where every location requires exactly the same functionality and offers the same menu:

Custom built to fit your business

Customers can access the way you want

Links to both your till and kitchen

No training required

Working with Pizza Hut

Swipen have helped create a bespoke value-for money solution for Pizza Hut, and we could do the same for you.

Get in contact to find out more.

Take your payments to the next level

Tip Per Tap -Contactless Tipping System

With the dawn of cashless and touchless checkouts along with app ordering systems and pay online methods, many restaurants, bars, cafés and hotels are finding that their waiting staff are no longer able to receive cash or card tips.

Swipen has the perfect solution: the new ‘Tip Per Tap’ Contactless Tipping System

Directly Integrated

A dedicated terminal is placed in a prominent location in your restaurant.

The terminal is set to ‘donation’ and the debit amount is set at a specific figure. e.g. £2

Your happy customers simply tap their card, phone or watch against the terminal to leave a £2 tip.

They can tap multiple times to leave a larger amount

Works automatically without the need for a member of staff to supervise.

End-of-day report is separate, making it quicker and easier to share the total tips received between staff members.

How about a little Tip Per Tap

Read our blog all about our new Tip Per Tap Contactless Tipping System.

Get in contact to find out more.

Take your payments to the next level